Hope Brannon: Fossils of Time
“Fossils of Time” casts a different light on the idea of place, land and its artifacts; introducing the dichotomy of the visual landscape and places charged with memory, meaning... their hidden artifacts and energy. I am interested in incorporating ancient history (ideology, technology, geology, astronomy, archeology, ecological events or fossilized life forms) and connecting it with our own contemporary culture and innovations.
The work invites confusion on several levels, and meaning is generated in the process of sorting things out. On the most obvious level, we expect a landscape to be a picture of the land, which may or may not incorporate these issues. We assume that the artist observed a place, an event in the world and wanted to record it. . . . but, these images are really not of anything in that sense. They register only the result of observing and studying a landscape and all that a sense of “place” includes. The work incorporates answers or questions that a place may prompt and my responses to it.

p. hope brannon