Southern artist Hope Brannon has served as a professor, art educator, graphic designer, arts organizer, and as an executive on a variety of art boards across the state and nation. She received her Master of Science Degree in Education from Troy University and her Bachelor of Arts Degree from Auburn University, Montgomery.
Throughout her career she has curated exhibitions, presented workshops about her art, lectured, taught from kindergarten through college and written for publications. This southern artist has been represented by a number of galleries, participated in solo and group exhibitions, honored with national, southeastern and state awards and included in a number of collections and publications featuring her art.
As a child Hope grew up along the banks of the Coosa River in central Alabama in an atmosphere of creativity and freedom. Assisting the adults in her life she learned about the practical side of creating. One day it would be a beautiful vegetable or flower garden, another canning vegetables, sewing. Left to her own devices steamy summer days were full of adventures found wading in the creek only to encounter the mysteries of nature in rocks, leaves, tiny animals and giant sponge beds of moss that we used as trampolines. “As children we constructed architectural wonders such as, miniature stone houses, encampments or homes for frogs and giant fortresses that we cut from bamboo thickets along the water. They were great until it rained.”